Geometry Dash Yatagarasu is renowned as 'The Last Demon of Generation 2.0,' featuring a captivating depiction of Yatagarasu, a three-legged crow from Japanese mythology. This game promises a fresh and exhilarating adventure, challenging you to guide the character through a labyrinth of red, fraught with difficult obstacles and deadly traps. Your primary objective is to navigate this maze successfully and overcome the challenges to reach your destination. Beware, as any collision with an obstacle sends you back to the starting line, requiring you to restart the adventure. Exercise utmost caution to avoid these hazards at all costs.
As you progress through LmAnubis's section and enter the upside-down UFO portal, a mysterious monster emerges in the bottom right of the screen, adding an intriguing element to the gameplay. The completion of the Nexus remains a subtle mystery, potentially creating an unintended psychological illusion that has gone unnoticed.
For more cube adventures and challenges, consider delving into Geometry Dash Sonic Wave and Geometry Dash Hexagon Hyperdrive. These games provide opportunities to enhance your reflexes and agility, ensuring a thoroughly engaging gaming experience. Game on and embrace the excitement of these thrilling adventures!
How To Play
Press [up] [w] [space] or click to jump and to jump on yellow rings
Avoid the spikes
In ship mode, hold to fly up and release to fly down
Hit a yellow pad to jump high
Hit a blue pad to jump higher (missing a gravity portal)